A tag management system (TMS) such as Google Tag Manager or Launch allows you to manage and execute code on the user's browser, known as client-side tracking. In this blog, we will delve into the benefits of client-side tracking and how it can streamline your website's performance and data collection. If you're curious about server-side tracking, be sure to check out our dedicated blog on the topic as well.
You have a website, you want people to come to it and engage with your brand either by buying a product/service, filling out a form or routing out knowledge that’s important to them. You may also use vendors like TikTok, Facebook and Google Ads to bring users to your website. We would hope that you’re also testing your website rigorously to help find what works best for your users. All of these technologies need to be added to your website in some way in order to function so how do we add them?
Well, you have a few options, you could try adding their code snippets directly onto your website, this is known as “hard coding” and while it’s fairly simple to do, it isn’t what we’d recommend. Hard coding can slow down your website, can become very difficult to manage on an ongoing basis and costly if you need a developer to add the code for you. What we’d recommend is using a tag management system like Google Tag Manager or Launch. This can be done by executing code on the users’ browser (Client-Side) or via a server (Server-Side). This blog is going to discuss the benefits of client-side tracking (hence the title) but if you’re interested in server-side tracking we have a blog on that too!
So, if hard coding isn’t recommended then how else will we get this Facebook code onto our website? Enter tag management systems (TMS), as the name suggests, a TMS manages multiple tags (snippets of code) and executes them when we need them to activate. This might be a remarketing tag that executes on every page or a conversion pixel that only appears on order confirmations. It does this by waiting for certain conditions to be met and injecting code snippets when the conditions are true.
This may seem like a very round about way of implementing a piece of code but trust me, this approach comes with some benefits:
So, if you want a faster site, easier to manage tags and faster activation and you aren’t already using a TMS it’s about time you should, if you already are and want to take it to the next level then a server-side approach is for you. As ever if you need help in deploying something like GTM then you can always reach out to our team of experts, we’re happy to help.
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